Saturday, December 20, 2014

Colleagues List, December 21st, 2014

Vol. X.  No. 20



Wayne A. Holst, Editor
My E-Mail Address:

Colleagues List Web Site:

"Quicklinks" are included with many items
at the beginning of this issue. To get a more
complete picture, however, scroll down to
find your special selection in the body of
the blog.


Calgary, Alberta
Christmas, 2014

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

2014 was a year of transitioning through
semi-retirement for both of us. We have
more free time from formal work duties
but new opportunities to invest ourselves
in activities we enjoy. That implies time
with family, plus more fitness, travel and

cultural event possibilities.

Our immediate family has not changed in

size – reflecting the first time we have not
added new grandchildren in almost five
years. Our extended family continues to
grow, however.

We became quite aware of that this past

July 26th when we hosted almost all of
Marlene’s siblings and their related families
at a gathering in our back yard. The occasion
was to say goodbye to Carmen and Mark,
Emily and Owen Hamm (Marlene’s second

daughter and her family) who are now on
a four-year stint with Shell in the nation of
Oman (Saudi peninsula).

A total of just-under thirty people attended

this wonderful event. This was for us a
highlight of the year. We hope the Hamms
felt well-supported. Marlene and I plan to
visit them in Oman.

Meanwhile they are living an experience of

a lifetime in an oil-rich Muslim nation. These
grandchildren are learning to develop socially
in a multi-cultural environment where, as
white Canadians, they are in the distinct

minority. This was Jacqui’s experience
(Wayne’s daughter from his first family)
when they lived in Trinidad, West Indies –
45 years ago.
But how the world has changed!

Wayne has completed his teaching career

through Continuing Education at the
University of Calgary where he was
employed for 25 years. He still teaches
at the Faith and Spirituality Centre on
campus however and continues to enjoy
the challenge. He leads many learning
and spiritual development programs as
staff at St. David’s United Church, where

he has served for a quarter century.

Wayne has begun to write as a regular
columnist and reviewer for the Anglican

Journal (Toronto). This provides extra
money for cultural events we enjoy and
gives him much satisfaction. He also
creates his weekly religion and culture
blog - Colleagues List - noting weekly
global hits reaching several thousand -

Marlene enjoys more free time, but works

as a backup in the church office. She also
loves ”face times” Skyping with her
grandchildren – luxury not afforded
previous nanna generations.

We spent the month of May traveling

down the West Coast of the USA and
returned via the Mountain States;
enjoying an anniversary trip to Glacier
National Park, Montana in October.

Next October, we hope to lead another

St. David’s Spiritual Travelers tour
(our third). This time we go to Jerusalem
(Israel & Jordan) visiting sacred sites of
Jews, Christians and Muslims.

We wish you and your loved ones the

best of this Holy Season of the year and
hope to hear from you.

Marlene and Wayne



Anglican Journal
December 12th, 2014

My December Column -


CLOSING THOUGHT - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

If only it were all so simple!

If only there were evil people somewhere
insidiously committing evil deeds, and it
were necessary only to separate them from
the rest of us and destroy them. But the line
dividing good and evil cuts through the heart
of every human being. And who is willing to
destroy a piece of [their] own heart?


Next Week:

My final Colleagues List for 2014 --
a compilation, with links,  of all
45 book notices, reviews, articles
and reflections this year. 


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